It is that time of year again, time to gather with your peers and talk about some of the great benefits of dataPARC software. This year’s dataPARC user conference will be held at the Sentinel Hotel in Portland, Oregon from October 15- 18-2018. Besides getting to learn in a beautiful setting (Portland, OR in the fall – gorgeous!) the following are five reasons why you should attend:
1. You Will Learn New Ways of Utilizing dataPARC
At the dataPARC User Conference, you will find yourself in a room with over a hundred fellow dataPARC users from diverse industries such as oil & gas, food and beverage, chemicals and pulp and paper. Through dynamic presentations, you will witness creative and new ways that the robust software is used to streamline processes, improve reporting and access data quickly, ultimately benefitting your facility and profitability. The last day of the conference is devoted entirely to interactive training so bring your laptop and get ready to learn. With a demo station set up with PARCview running, you will surely leave with innovative methods to utilize. Round table discussions at each table on relevant topics open up new possibilities and generate ideas.
2. You Will Meet Colleagues and Build a Valuable Network
The support of a knowledgeable network is invaluable. At the dataPARC user conference, you will have the opportunity to expand your professional network at our user conference. Users from all over the world will gather to share ideas, methods and strategies regarding what has worked for their business using dataPARC. Breaks and lunch allow times to get to know colleagues in a comfortable setting. Wednesday evening at the PunchBowl social includes games, karaoke, great food and a chance to relax and have fun.
3. You Will Be Inspired by our Keynote Speaker, Patrick Galvin
We picked a speaker this year that is both dynamic and relevant to your life as a busy professional. Patrick Galvin, author of The Connector’s Way, will teach you important points regarding building business relationships and the value of a connection. Patrick will kick off the conference and you will have had a chance to meet him the welcome reception. You will also be able to ask follow up questions at lunch following his keynote presentation. We will send you home with a copy of his book so that you may continue to learn about the principles and key points of his keynote speech.
4. You Will Stay Informed Regarding Upcoming Versions of dataPARC including 7.0
During the conference, you will learn about any recent changes and updates to the dataPARC software suite.We are gearing up for 7.0 and will be ready to share the new features with you. Capstone personnel will include changes in 7.0 during training sessions. Rather than just getting updates in an e-mail newsletter and corresponding updates video, you will get a chance to see PARCview in action. The demo station set up at the back of the conference room will also allow you to try out the new version.
5. You Will Meet and Interface with the Capstone Technology Team
All of us at Capstone Technology are eager to see you and get to know you. Whether you have communicated with us regarding support, engineering or something else, we look forward to having a conversation with you. Feel free to share some of your ideas and needs for features on future versions. Get to know the salesperson, engineer or support person you have spoken with on the phone. Try PARCview at the demo station and grab one of us if you have a question. Need something clarified or have a concern? We are here for you at the conference. We look forward to seeing you there!
Click here to learn more about the conference